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The most interesting part of the camp according to all of us, he says, was meeting, observing, studying and knowing about Sikh culture and religion. “We enjoyed their jokes and asked about the history.” He says the key thing they learned is to live with diversity and tolerate that diversity. “We talked about discriminations, blasphemy laws, Xmas, Islamophobia, and related issues too,” says Malik Raymond John, another participant. Many of the participants saw the Sikh students the first time in their lives. Lala Lajpat Rai also was one of the founders of the Punjab National Bank and Lakhsmi Insurance Company. Then, I searched for the house of another Lahore-based painter Roop Krishna and fortunately, I found it without any trouble because it was splat at the entrance of Anarkali, the second shop from the Mall. There was once a big book shop here, which was owned by the family of Roop Krishna. I also found the studio of art legend Bhabesh Chandra Sanyal, also known as B.C.  Buy Londo...

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